Office Hours

The Village Office hours have been changed to 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Thursday as per Council resolution #225/24.  We are open over the lunch hour.

Employment Opportunities

Director of Emergency Management  Click here for details



 March 18, 2025 at 7:00 pm

Click here for details

Click the link for more information

 To follow



April 1, 2025  4:00 pm – 8:00 pm 

April 2, 2025  10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Make your vote count

Click here for details

Click for Voter Requirements




Welcome to the
Village of Bittern Lake.

Bittern Lake is located on Highway 13 between Camrose and Wetaskiwin.

It is a charming, cozy village that is known for its beauty. Each resident takes pride in generating their personal piece of paradise.

Our lake is not recreational, it is a nature reserve and is not accessible other than by a walking trail, please respect the wildlife in the area.  The area is Crown Land and no camping permitted within 1KM of any road, or on any roadway within the Village Boundaries.

Recreation area

Please note that the Recreation area is for use at your own risk, as per signage on the skate shack.



Battle River Watershed AllianceClick Here Aligning Land Use & Development Policy

Changes to Franchise Fees effective January 2025 – FortisAlberta and ATCO Gas 

Bittern Lake Viability Review Support Group key messages  – click here

MPE Infrastructure Audit Presentation October 7, 2024 – click here to see the presentation



Monday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Tuesday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Wednesday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Thursday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

AND 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Friday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm





Garbage/Recycle Area Users - Transfer site

We have received a warning! Garbage was found in the recycling bin.

Please empty your recyclables into the recycling bin first then dispose the plastic bag in the garbage bin. Do not throw a bag of recycling into it.

Failure to use the correct bin will result in the loss of the recycling facility.

Compost area

Please empty ONLY compost into the compost area.  Please empty the bags, reuse the bag or put it in the garbage. Do not throw any other items into this area.

Failure to use the correct bin will result in extra charges to the tax payer.




Water Emergencies

If you have a water emergency, please contact 780-672-7373, option 3.

Council Meetings

The Regular Meeting of Village Council is Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at  7:00 pm in Council Chambers located in the Village Office.  

Submission deadline: 9 am – Wednesday, March 19, 2025 per Procedural Bylaw #01/20.

Click here for Agenda

Council Meetings are open to the Public – we encourage you to attend. Please advise us in advance if you are attending to make sure we have enough seats. If you wish to add to the Agenda please submit it in writing to the office one week prior as per Procedural Bylaw #01/20.  Thank you.


Please help keep our village tidy by keeping yards neat and clutter-free!

The Village has a local community hall, greenhouse, post office and the Village Administrative Office.

Bittern Lake has a wildlife reserve, not a recreational lake which boasts birds and other wildlife. There is no vehicular access to the lake, however, there is a walking trail, we are waiting for information from the relevant authorities so that our volunteer group can maintain the area.  This area is Crown land and as such cannot be used for camping, or use by 4×4 vehicles, ATVs are permitted on the land, however please do not use in the lake bed.

We have household waste transfer and recycle facility for use by residents, it is NOT a dump.  Any items for the dump are required to be taken to the City of Camrose Dump on 50th Street, Camrose or to Camrose County Dump (Dried Meat Lake facility off Highway 21) as per Bylaw.


Camrose Library

Residents can purchase a library card, Village residents are considered County Residents, there is a charge for this.                

Contact Us

(780) 679-2353

Monday – Thursday | 9:00am to 4:00pm

P.O. Box 5, 300 Railway Ave, Bittern Lake, Alberta. T0C 0L0

Make Your Home at
Bittern Lake, Alberta

Feel free to browse through our website to find various types of information concerning daily life in our beautiful village. Everything from council meeting minutes, to educational and professional resources to help answer all your questions. We also look forward to having you participating in our various events!