New Residents
Monthly Billing Cycle
Garbage, recycling, and water utility fees are billed monthly. Garbage is $13.60 per month and recycling is $6.00 per month.
Water Application
When you hook up to the Bittern Lake water distribution system, you are asked to pay a one time fee for your water application.
A water connection application must be submitted to the Village Office when you move into Bittern Lake.
Garbage and Recycling
There is a central collection point for garbage and recycling on the east end of Railway Avenue. This area is for Village resident use only. Residents will need a key fob to access the area, please see the Village Office for more information.
As per the Bylaw, Section 2.2, the following list includes some of the items NOT allowed to be disposed of in these bins but is not limited to:
– shingles
– metal
– carpets or rugs
– blankets
– cement, stucco or tiles
– boards over 4 feet long
– oil, paint or any other toxic wastes
– tires or tire rims
– fridges or freezers
– dead animals
– furniture of any kind (home or office)

ELECTRONICS RECYCLING is accepted in the office- click here for complete list of acceptable items